Corporate Governance is one strategic factor in the Company's efforts to constantly improve the value for shareholders and other stakeholders as well as sustainable growth. The Company is very concerned of basic principles and implementation of good corporate governance as a form of responsibility to the Company's shareholders. Building trust throughout the Company's stockholders is required in order to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of the Company, as well as the smooth operations of the Company. The Company has begun implementing these principles gradually and consistently based on transparency, accountability and integrity, to present correct information and timely information by the Company to the parties concerned.

Good corporate governance ensures that companies comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning the capital market, and public company sectors associated with the business carried on by the Company. Historically, the Company upholds accountability and management responsibility. The Company continues to refine and draft guidelines for implementation of policies and guidelines of corporate governance as well.


Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is in charge and responsible for supervising the Company business activities managed by the directors. Commissioners also provide input and advice that is considered important to the directors on the implementation of the Company operations in general, thereby achieved a balance between the planning function with operational control functions of the Company. 

The Board of Commissioners currently consists of two commissioners. One commissioner is an independent commissioner who does not have a relationship with the Company ownership in any form and serve as Chairman of Audit Committe. The Company needs an independent commissioner to help oversee the company apart from the assignment as commissioner set out in the Articles of Association.

Board of Directors

The directors of the Company has main responsibility as follows :

  1. To manage all day-to-day operations of the Company which cover business activities, financial management, human resources, business development and project delivery, risk management, implementation of Good Corporate Governance principles and corporate social responsibility program.
  2. To ensure the implementation of day-to-day operations of the Company to achieve operational and financial targets that have been set to provide added value to stakeholders.
  3. To ensure implementation of internal audit functions and actions related to internal audit findings.

The Board of Directors performs the function of planning and implementing the Company operations and to develop the strategies and business policies in accordance with the Company’s business objectives. The business strategy outlined in the short and medium term of strategic plan is assessed each year in the annual budget meeting. The Board of Directors also performs the function of controlling the operations and continues to strive for improving the effectiveness and efficiency for evaluation of the Company’s performance. 

Corporate Secretary

Corporate Secretary was formed by Bapepam & LK. Regulation No. IX.I.4. Currently Company's Corporate Secretary is Odhor Rita Rosmawati.

Company Secretary serves to oversee and ensure that the Company has complied with the provisions of capital market regulation, the article of association of the Company and any other regulations, as well as acting as a liaison between the Company and its shareholders, institutions and capital market authority and other parties. Other duties as coordinator in preparing corporate event that will be undertaken by the Company and is also responsible for organizing the General Meeting of Shareholders.